The Website

This website is intended as a resource for new buyers and homeowners interested in the original designs of these homes. The information here is based on scans of an 1960's marketing brochure that were uploaded to NextDoor by Aaron Sathrum and are now available in the history section of the University City Community Association website.

The elevations are enlargements with cropped trees and shrubs extended to make the individual drawings work independently and color corrections to remove yellowing paper artifacts.

The plans were traced and redrawn to make details like windows more legible. No claim is made to accuracy in terms of size or placement.

Some additional caveats about completeness and accuracy:

The Author

I'm a transplant from LA who bought a Carmel Model C in 2021. I've renovated several homes in Southern California before this one. I'm a former Digital Animator who studied Architecture a long time ago, so I'm comfortable identifying a home with potential, visualizing possibilities, and working with skilled contractors to shape it to my tastes and needs.

I hope this information on this site is of use to you. Inquiries should be emailed to

- Tom Pushpathadam